Polydimensional awareness opening
After seeing the light and a near death experience, I realised that I was more than just a physical being. I was privileged to see and feel who I really am and had seen that I am on a mission from the soul and that I was being carried by unconditional love.
Polydimensional awareness opening
After seeing the light and a near death experience, I realised that I was more than just a physical being. I was privileged to see and feel who I really am and had seen that I am on a mission from the soul and that I was being carried by unconditional love.
My services
My wish and my goal is to accompany you on your way to a self-determined and liberated life. I do not want to be your teacher, but a companion, a supporter, a helper and a friend.
I will accompany you on these topics

– Awareness of the origin of illnesses, pain and symptoms
– Recognising the origin of toxic relationships, partner and love issues or family stress and family resonances
– Recognising blockages in life energy (burnout, depression, feelings of powerlessness)
– Stressfreier leben
– Releasing unconscious fear and blockages
– Healing emotional wounds
– Trauma and shock
– Burdening karmic connections
– The processes of letting go and change
– Tragedies and the inability to act
– Symptoms that cannot be diagnosed
– Unsolvable challenges
– Becoming successful
– Achieving personal goals
– Self-discovery
– The transformation process